What is the process for becoming a certified Church of Refuge?

Phase I: Fill out the Online Application Form and request a COR Summit for your church.

Phase II: Prayerfully incorporate the nine COR values into your ministry mix. This process requires time and member involvement.

Phase III: Confirm your local Church community has officially embraced the values.

What support will our congregation receive from CYE?

Marketing – List and map of COR congregations. Internet and print marketing to youth/young adults across the globe.

Values – Descriptions of the nine COR Values with implementation ideas.

Resources – Websites, organization, and materials for youth and young adult ministry.


If our church focuses on senior youth and young adults, will other age groups suffer?

First, focusing on this age range does not mean ignoring or neglecting other age groups. Second, it has been found that the entire church benefits as it focuses on the three COR areas—personal relationships, spiritual growth, and service to others. COR is committed to inter-generational churches, to bring the whole family together.

Does COR mandate a specific way to do senior youth and young adult ministry?
In short, no. There are limitless ways to live out each of the Nine Values. Church of Refuge advocates a strategic planning process rather than a specific ministry. The expression of each principle will vary depending on the local context. We expect each church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to live out their mission in their local context in their own unique way.

How did COR choose these specific values
After studying the research available on young Seventh-day Adventists and other Protestants in the United States and Europe, the Center for Youth Evangelism began a project of original research into the factors young people value when choosing a church family. Based on these collective findings, we determined that the nine values are significant for reaching this demographic.

How can young people find a Church of Refuge?
The COR website will highlight churches in the pilot process. We will promote the COR site with churches at academy and university graduations, the key times when young people transition to new church families. COR online presence will also include social networking sites and video hosting sites. Additional marketing will include articles and advertisements published around the world.

How can I stay in the loop?
Sign up for the monthly COR newsletter and like our Facebook page. This allows us to provide you with up-to-date ministry resources as well.

How long will it take my church to join the COR network?
Every church is different. Know that we will support you through the process offering you adequate time and space to reflect within your community how best to implement healthy change.